How a Freeze Dryer Can Help with Document Recovery

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Wet Document Recovery Services San Francisco

Most commonly thought of for its usage in food production, a freeze dryer is a diverse tool that is an asset to a complete cross-section of modern day industries. No longer solely reserved to edible perishables, freeze drying is now commonplace within document recovery. In this article, we’ll be exploring how a document can be recovered through the freeze-drying process.

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The Freeze Drying Process

As its name indicates, the freeze-drying process involves the freezing and then drying of a product in order to preserve it. First, the object is frozen and then it is slowly dried using a vacuum. This initiates a process known as ‘sublimation’. Sublimation is the removal of solid matter, in this case ice, from an object as a gas without needing to first be transformed into a liquid. This allows freeze-dried items to retain their original form and properties prior to drying; albeit, now with a much lower moisture content.

Flood Risk in America
As freeze-dryings’ main purpose is the removal of moisture, the documents it can recover have one way or another become waterlogged. There are many ways this can occur, but the most common is flooding.

Over 41 million Americans live in flood zones, with coastal states typically being those most at risk. Floods can often occur with little warning due to unexpected heavy rains or storms, and in many cases, the only thing a homeowner can do is move to higher ground and hope for the best.

The aftermath of flooding can be distressing, with precious photos, artwork, and documents soaked through, often leaving their owners thinking there’s nothing to be done but to throw them away. This is the exact type of situation in which document recovery through freeze drying can be a blessing to many.

What can potentially be recovered?

Documents and items such as books, journals, manuscripts, legal documents, certificates, photographs, and newspaper articles can all be recovered by freeze drying. In addition, keepsakes ranging from textiles, artwork, stamp collections, leather and hide items, as well as x-rays can also be salvaged.

The Benefits of Using a Freeze Dryer for Document Recovery

Some may see freeze drying as an extravagant way to do what a radiator or heat lamp can achieve. However, heat can often break down the unique properties of a material, leaving photos warped or with curled edges. It can render antiques and paperwork brittle and fragile. As freeze drying doesn’t involve heat, it is able to avoid these issues, allowing your possession to retain all of the features it had when it was originally dry.

Intense heat or drip drying may not be a viable option in the first place. Some types of embroidery and leather work can constrict or become deformed if dried in certain ways. Freeze drying can avoid this also, as the recovery process is more gentle on delicate objects.

Dry Documents and Preserved Memories
Many of us are willing to do whatever it takes when it comes to recovering the items that matter most, and freeze drying can offer a safe, worry-free solution to document recovery. However, it is best advised you discuss the retrieval of your precious keepsake with a professional, as some mementos may not be suitable to undergo the process. It is, afterall, as the saying goes, very much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your priceless possessions.