3 Ways to Improve Your Temporary Power Equipment’s Efficiency

Temporary power equipment san franciscoYour home is particularly vulnerable during a power outage. You can live without your TV or microwave, but can you risk being without a charged cell phone when you need to call emergency rescue services? How about a clean water supply when the pumps go down?

Most homeowners recognize the potential benefits of having a temporary power supply on hand for a serious storm or other disaster, yet many choose not to make the investment because of the upfront cost. The truth, however, is that buying an emergency power system could save you thousands in the long run when used properly.

Here are three ways to improve your temporary power supply’s efficiency and reduce the costs of running it when needed:

1. Run High Over Low

Emergency systems are designed to deliver power as efficiently as possible, and each one will have their own “sweet spot” where you hit the most cost-effective workload-to-fuel-consumption ratio. But that spot is not, contrary to popular belief, as low as possible.

Running your engine below capacity for long periods of time is known as wet stacking, and this can significantly shorten the lifespan of your system, leading to high maintenance costs and, ironically, expensive imbalances in fuel efficiency. You can avoid wet stacking by regularly running your temporary power supply at its optimal range or in short bursts at its maximum capacity.

2. Location, Location, Location

Your emergency power system should always be stored outdoors as it can produce dangerous fumes. But exactly where it is positioned in the back yard can determine its efficiency and the fuel cost.

Usually, portable power systems function best at sea level, under standard temperature and pressure conditions. Fluctuations in these conditions caused by severe weather patterns can cause your system to run high, and if you allow it to run over a long time, those marginal costs can mount very quickly.

3. Make Maintenance a Priority

To ensure your emergency power system has a long and fuel-efficient life, check on it often for signs of wear and tear. If it has not run in some time, start the system and look for signs of corrosion in the battery unit, decay in the cabling, and leaks in the fuel and oil. All of these will lead to significant downtime and costly repairs if not addressed quickly.

For emergency power equipment in San Francisco that won’t waste your money, rent or buy from Allied Rental Co. Call 415-644-5792 to learn more.