Humidity control for painting

Paint and Humidity

Painting your home is a great way to give it a fresh new look. You may have found the perfect color and can’t wait to get started. If you’re new to painting your home, you may be surprised to know that painting in the wrong weather conditions could actually render your paint job useless. Instead of putting a ton of effort into a paint job that may not end up how you want it, make sure you take the right steps to ensure your paint job is right the first time.

Check out the weather

When it comes to the weather, there will never be a “perfect” day to paint. It’s obvious if it’s raining or damp out, you want to avoid painting your home since the paint won’t stick as well or dry for that matter.

While you do want to paint on a day that is relatively dry and warm, you have to be conscious of the humidity in the air. Relative humidity is a ratio of how much water vapor is in the air compared to the max it can hold at any time. While many people aren’t well-versed on the subject of meteorology, what you do need to have a grasp on is the humidity on the day you’re going to paint. Paints are usually mixed with water and solvents, and in order for a paint job to work out, the water in the paint needs to dry first. If you’re painting on a day where it is too humid, then the humidity will not allow the water in the paint to evaporate. If the solvents dry first, this could cause the paint to cure and makes it much harder to recover the paint job.

The weather is not something we can control but you can use a dehumidifier to help control the elements. Ideally, you’re going to want to make sure that the humidity levels are somewhere between 40-50% or lower. Anything higher could result in a warped paint job causing more time and frustration. Make sure that any dew that has fallen previously has dried first. You should also start painting on the part of the house that is covered in shade, and work your way around as the shade moves.

What about interior paint?

When it comes to interior painting, keep in mind that climate conditions can be controlled better in the house. You’re still going to want to be conscious of humidity levels in the home but you’re at an advantage, since you have the option to use a dehumidifier to help cut down those levels. Turning some fans on can also help with the paint drying, and some industrial fans can help speed drying when used in conjunction with a dehumidifier.

Painting your home is a great way to brighten up the place and have fun with new ideas. The paint job of the room can really impact how it feels, so making sure you’re taking the right steps to prep can help guarantee a great paint job on the first try. If you are painting your home or business, consider renting a dehumidifier to make sure it dries properly.