What Supplies do Emergency Response Need to Have?

What Supplies do Emergency Response Need to Have?

In order to properly respond to a variety of emergencies you need to have an emergency response kit ready to go at a moment’s notice. There are premade kits you can purchase online, but these are often expensive and not personalized to your circumstances.

In this article we’ll be providing an overview of the most essential supplies for your emergency response kit, whether you’re preparing your home or are a business with a brick-and-mortar location.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency and many emergency guides recommend stockpiling three gallons of water per person, per day for three days. Transporting such a quantity of water may be impossible if you have to leave your home.

While storing multiple day’s worth of water is strongly recommended, it may also be wise to invest in a portable filtration system such as a LifeStraw or iodine tablets if you live far away from stores where you can purchase bottled water.


FEMA also recommends having three days worth of non-perishable food. Foods with a long shelf life like canned foods, and protein bars will be the best investment.

In addition, be sure to stock foods which are lightweight and do not need to be cooked. You could invest in military-grade MREs—meals ready to eat—but this isn’t really necessary, unless you just like eating dried chili.

Lighting and Electricity

In an emergency one of the first things to fail is typically power. It’s wise to invest in some portable lighting: either candles, lanterns, headlights or crank-powered flashlights.

Having power will be a huge advantage during an emergency. Diesel-fueled generators can power a home for an incredible amount of time and will have no problem keeping your business up and running until power can be restored.

Allied Rental Company offers 24 different types of generators, with one for everybody’s circumstances. Reserve one online at our website.

Emergency Whistle

Never underestimate the importance of a simple piece of kit like a whistle. Whistles are great in cases where you might be trapped or have no other way of alerting rescue teams to your presence. In all honesty, keeping a small whistle on your keychain is a smart move and is definitely essential in your emergency response kit.

Dust Mask

Natural disasters such as tornadoes and earthquakes can kick up all kinds of dust and debris which can aggravate your lungs and even, in the case of harmful substances, cause you to become very ill. A simple painter’s mask or surgical mask can make all the difference if you need to move from your home to a safer location.

First Aid Kit

A well-stocked but compact first aid kit is quite literally a lifesaver in times of emergency. Not just containing tools to treat minor injuries, a first aid kit should also contain an emergency blanket, scissors, tape and other supplies which can serve multiple different purposes.

Miscellaneous Items

You should always try to personalize your emergency response kit as much as possible. However, don’t carry items you don’t need that will take up vital space.

Prescription medications, glasses, ID and sanitary products are items that you may need. It’s also recommended to have a store of cash in your kit to put things together after the disaster. Spend some time putting some thought into your response kit.