Why Use Power Generators for Standby Electrical Supply

Why Use Power Generators for Standby Electrical Supply

So much of our daily lives depend on the constant availability of electricity. Interruptions in the power supply to our homes can be a temporary inconvenience but can also pose a threat to the health of families. Power grid outages are not infrequent and can be an added consequence of natural disasters. A blown transformer normally supplying your neighborhood could render the electrical appliances in your home useless for hours or days.

The essential appliances in our homes, especially the refrigerator, need a consistent electrical power in order to operate. Perishable items only last so long following a power outage. Air conditioning units provide both relief and protection in the hot, muggy summer months. Lack of access to air conditioning in your home could leave you sweating, and vulnerable to dehydration and heat stroke if the outage is severe enough. Communication with family, news sources, and emergency services relies on our phones and computer devices. Delays in restoring power can leave you without means of recharging the batteries of these crucial equipment.

Assessing the need for a standby generator is partly based on the location of your home. If you frequently experience the threat of extreme weather throughout the year, then having a generator on standby might be a safe option. Hurricanes, tornados and heavy storms can easily knock out power grids for entire neighborhoods, and road debris hazards commonly prevent power company service trucks from restoring power for days or weeks.

Why Standby Power Generators are Convenient

Installation of a power generator system at your home is routine for professionals. The generator has a minimal footprint and usually placed at the back of your home. Once set up, operation is hands-off and automatic. Standby power generators are connected to your home’s electrical panel.

When there is a power outage, the generator senses the lack of electricity powering your home and starts itself up. Thus, there is little to no interruption in the supply of electricity. Once the primary power supply returns to your home, the standby power generator will sense this as well. The generator will automatically turn off at this point, preventing any wasteful operation.

Benefits and Uses of Standby Generators

You will never know exactly if a power outage could last days instead of hours. Owning a power generator ensures you have access to electricity when you may least expect to lose it. In the event of an extended outage, rental and retail generators will go fast as families scramble at the last minute to find one. By the time you are able to pick one up, they may be sold out. This is why having a power generator on standby is particularly useful.

Investing in a power generator is relatively cost efficient when considering the alternatives. If a power outage renders your home unlivable, the expenses of an extended stay at a hotel room plus the added cost of spoiled food add up quickly. Instead, having a generator on standby would allow you to power your refrigerator and air conditioning, as well other essential appliances and devices.