Backup Cooling for Food Safety

Dehumidifation for food processing and storage

Backup Cooling for Food Safety

Restaurants and food production operators have the weighty responsibility of providing healthy food to their consumers. Although most commercial establishments have reliable processes in place to keep their food cool, sudden occurrences can damage refrigeration systems. This could result in spoiled food on a grand scale, a costly prospect for many operators. If inclement weather or another unexpected event causes an interruption in power to your restaurant or food business, the resulting loss in both food and revenue can be catastrophic. To prevent this, companies invest in back-up appliances and methods that help to preserve their food until coolers are able to be used.

Often times, primitive or eco-friendly options are available for commercial companies to incorporate in their emergency process. This type of preservation is often referred to as, “Off-grid refrigeration.” This mentality utilizes electric and propane options for individuals who don’t or can’t utilize traditional electricity. Many commercialized businesses could benefit from using these systems.

Solar Power Refrigeration Assistants

This source works with deep cycle batteries and a Photovoltaic Panel in conjunction with direct sunlight. This environmentally reliable solution can supply energy to refrigeration systems for four hours. Even during periods of overcast or low sunlight, the solar power system can still provide the same power duration. For bigger refrigeration needs, additional panels and batteries can be added for optimal usage. Since this system operates as a third-party source, there are only three simple tools needed to help commercial refrigeration systems working:

  • Solar panels
  • Batteries
  • Charge controller

Clay Pot Refrigeration System

Although primal, this ancient means of preservation can come in handy when critical times hit. While not suitable for restaurants, homeowners can benefit from this method as they have hidden space dedicated to food storage. Derived from evaporative cooling, the clay pot refrigeration method combined science and functionality. This process can be described as, “A clay pot refrigerator utilizes a porous outer earthenware pot, lined with wet sand or other substrates, and an inner pot where food is placed. The evaporation of the outer liquid draws heat from the inner pot.” The key is to implement the evaporative cooling technique to whatever “pot” is being used. This method should generally only be used in emergency situations until a more permanent and safe food storage method can be found.

Walk-in Coolers

While walk-in coolers are an essential piece of equipment for many restaurant operators, it is one piece of equipment that can be a nightmare if it goes down. A walk-in can easily hold thousands of dollars’ worth of food, and most operators don’t have enough reach-in space to supplement that. An emergency cooling unit can help prevent a huge amount of loss and keep your business running until your walk-in’s compressor can be repaired.

When operating a business, its best to prepare for the worst case scenario. By implementing modern and historical techniques, managers across the nation will find solace in knowing they have a valuable alternative to their traditional cooling systems.