
Do Air Filters Work for Smoke?

Smoking has fallen out of favor of large parts of the population recently, as the number of daily smokers saw a 25% decrease from 2005 to 2016. Even more so, though, smoking indoors has fallen especially out of favor. Gone are the days of lighting a cigarette at a crowded restaurant. However, you’re still free …

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Can an Air Filter Extend the Life of your HVAC?

Your home’s HVAC–heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system–is what keeps your living space warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Typically, your home’s HVAC will be able to operate smoothly with little input from you, but occasionally, it will need maintenance to continue running properly. One important part of HVAC maintenance is regularly …

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Can Air Purifiers Improve Air Quality During Fire Season?

Can Air Purifiers Improve Air Quality During Fire Season? With the wildfires raging across California and other areas of the country, you might be one of the many people who are worried about the air quality inside their homes. Maybe you’ve looked into air purifiers and are wondering if they can help get rid of …

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Can Air Purification Devices Remove Smoke from the Air?

If you live with a smoker or live in an area where wildfires are common, you may find yourself or others annoyed by the lingering smoke smell that stays in your home. Cigarette smoke has repeatedly been proven to be harmful for those who are not smoking in the form of second-hand smoke. Smokers may …

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Best Smoke Removal Filters for Hospitals

There is nothing that beats a nice breath of fresh, clean air. And while this may feel like a luxury at times, it is extremely necessary for hospitals. It is important that hospitals have clean air free from any contaminants, including smoke, so that their patients will not have any adverse health effects from poor …

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Best Air Purifiers for Businesses

A business can’t do anything without its employees, so it’s important that they are in good health. Air purifiers can remove harmful pollutants and allergens from the air that may threaten the well-being of employees in the office. In addition, air purifiers can remove some unpleasant odors from the air, which is always a plus …

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Are Air Purifiers with Carbon Vapor Filters Worth the Cost?

Are Air Purifiers with Carbon Vapor Filters Worth the Cost? Air purifiers are becoming more and more popular, and with all the different options out there, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. However, one particular type tends to pop up in conversation more than others: ones with carbon vapor …

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Are Air Filters for Smoke Worth the Investment?

If you or someone that you live with smokes, you might be looking for ways to remove tobacco smoke from your home. An air filter may seem like a costly solution to this problem, but a good air filter is a worthwhile investment that will significantly reduce the levels of smoke in your house. As …

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How Much Do Load Bank Systems Cost?

How Much Do Load Bank Systems Cost? Ensuring that your business is prepared for emergencies is vital, and one of the most important emergency supplies to have is a generator. Generators prevent significant financial losses, and they often aid in the prevention of loss of life. Whether the disaster you are preparing for is natural …

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What Power Generators are Most Reliable?

What Power Generators are Most Reliable? With so many kinds of generators on the market these days it can be hard to be confident in your choice. In the trying and unpredictable times of 2020 the last thing you want is to have an unreliable generator. There are also a few maintenance tricks to keep …

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